Kengo_Kuma_at_Strelka_Institute -
Yusuhara Wooden Bridge Museum, designed by Kengo Kuma. Photo © Takumi Ota Photography -
Kengo Kuma – Kodama – 2018 – Ph Giacomo Bianchi – Copyright Arte sella -3162 -
Lee Jaheyo – 0121-1110=115075 – Ph Giacomo Bianchi – Copyrioght Arte Sella -
Thomas Daniell -
Presentazione PIDA 2020 – Biblioteca Antoniana Ischia -
Vicepresidente Ordine Architetti Napoli Domenico Ceparano -
Vicepresidente Ordine Architetti Napoli Stefania Porcelli -
Presidente Onorario Ordine Architetti Napoli Pio Crispino -
Consigliere Ordine Architetti Napoli Antonio Ciniglio -
Presentazione PIDA 2020 – Biblioteca Antoniana Ischia -
Presentazione PIDA 2020 – Biblioteca Antoniana Ischia
“LandEscape Therapy” will be the theme of PIDA – Ischia International Architecture Prize 2020 –, that will be held from September 28th to October 3rd on the island of Ischia. The island hosted yesterday’s presentation of the programme of the twelfth edition, that is going to be even richer than the previous ones in terms of meeting, reflection and deepening opportunities and will be focused on the relationship between architecture and landscape, which finds an original and unmistakable synthesis in the work of the great Japanese architect Kengo Kuma – PIDA 2020 Special Award winner and final lecturer. The other special prize announced by PIDA chairman Giovannangelo De Angelis will be awarded to Arte Sella, the exhibition of contemporary art in the nature of the Trentino region, whose founders and creators will be present during the festival days and the workshop of architectural and urban planning design that will involve for six days a group of students and undergraduates of the Universities of Rome, Palermo, Catania and Reggio Calabria. It will be them who – assisted by ad-hoc tutors – will design new urban green spaces for the refurbishing of the building complex called “Multifunzionale” in Ischia as well as conceive a permanent contemporary art exhibition in an area of the historical pinewood in the centre of Ischia. The workshop will be coordinated by Professor Thomas Daniell, Professor of Architecture and Landscape at Kyoto University. From next March 9th until July 19th, it will be possible to take part in the PIDA International Competition for the projects of the most beautiful hotels and SPAs in the world. Participation in the second edition of the Competition for reconstruction architecture – launched two years ago when Ischia still grappling with post-earthquake urban planning choices – will also be open. Besides, in addition to the special prizes already decided and to those for the winners of the competitions, during the autumn event the PIDA Jury will award their prize to the best architecture journalists and photographers in 2020. The last three days of the programme, from October 1st to 3rd, will be devoted to meetings and debates on the PIDA 2020 theme, taking a statement by Fabrizio Caramagna as a starting point for reflection: “Some places are an enigma, others an explanation”. All these meetings will be intentionally held in the local pinewoods, an open-air setting reflecting the targets of the workshop and the desire to deepen the relationship between architecture and nature. In addition to the well-established relationship with the Register of Architects of Naples, PIDA has announced the beginning of a shared pathway with the “Festival della Filosofia” (Festival of Philosophy), held every year on the island of Ischia and in Naples. Joint initiatives are planned to be carried out during the Festival and PIDA festivals and will thus be scheduled in the month of September.