On May 10, the publication of the notices of the fifth edition of the PIDA Workshops

In order to leave the territory of a concrete and tangible sign of the festival, during the week award (21-25 July) are held for five years of international design workshop – with interdisciplinary approach – open to young students and graduates of all the world that are followed by expert tutors through lessons in design, retrofit , ecology and more generally on the various aspects of the project. The workshop will be divided into two phases. In the first 15 selected candidates will be selected on the basis of the curriculum. The second will form three working groups for each workshop coordinated by three tutors who will guide them in the early stages of design. This year’s topics will be :

The preparation of a proposal for a special planning law for the island of Ischia for the resolution of problems relating to the protection of the landscape. A workshop tecnicolegale directed by architects, landscape architects , planners, lawyers and economists ;

The interior design of facilities (the room of Luchino Visconti ) directed by Michael and Paul Baldessarri ;

The workshops will be carried out inside the villa “La Colombaia” of Luchino Visconti in the town of Forio.

Participation is free .